Comox people

This article refers to the Comox people. For other uses please see the disambiguation page at Comox.

The Komox people, usually known in English as the Comox people and also spelled K'omoks, are an indigenous group of Coast Salishan-speaking people in Comox, British Columbia and in the Toba Inlet and Malaspina Peninsula areas of the British Columbia mainland across Georgia Strait. Those at the town of Comox are known as the Island Comox, those across the strait are known as the Mainland Comox and are formed of two groups, the Sliammon and the Klahoose. They historically spoke the Komox language, which is divided into two dialects, Island Comox and Mainland Comox. The Island Comox have close ties to the Lekwildok or Southern Kwakiutl of Campbell River and Quadra Island.



Modern-day Komox are organized in four band governments:



See also